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Aico Apprenticeships

Create your own story.
We pride ourselves on high levels of employee development and encourage career progression, making Aico the perfect environment for Apprentices to thrive. Our structured and flexible approach ensures that we provide our Apprentices with the right support for their learning and progression.

The Aico Apprenticeship programme runs all year round and offers a variety of roles.

Off the Job Training

Aico’s Apprenticeship Programme

We provide training and support for our Apprentices at various levels and help them progress through their Apprenticeship Programme. The use of EDA product knowledge modules further support the existing off-the-job training and provide synergy across the range of Apprenticeships available at Aico.

Apprenticeship roles

We offer Apprenticeships in many departments, meaning our rolling Apprenticeship programme offers a variety of opportunities.

Technical Advisor

As an Apprentice Technical Advisor, you will be responsible for supporting customers over the phone, responding to emails and live chat queries of a similar nature.

Sales Advisor

An Apprentice Customer Service Practitioner will be responsible for answering calls that are coming into the business, proactive calls to Aico’s distribution channel, processing orders and general administrative duties.


A Marketing Apprentice will support the Marketing team with day-to-day marketing activities and events.

Finance Clerk

An Apprenticeship in our Finance department involves both sales and purchase ledger, including cash allocation, credit control, dealing with customers and supplier queries and general admin.


An Operations Apprentice will be responsible for completing orders at a high standard and in a fast-paced environment.


“I was interested in an apprenticeship at Aico as I knew there were opportunities to progress in a career.”

Ben Osborn – Apprentice Data Analyst

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