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Work Experience

With so many options available in the world of work, how do you choose which path is right for you?

Work experience is a great place to start. It gives every student an opportunity to gain an insight into different careers, while gaining practical experience and learning new skills.

When you are thinking about applying for work experience, it’s important that you think about what careers interest you and any skills you would like to develop.

Why Aico?

At Aico, we offer fun and challenging placements. Each placement is tailored, based on your interests and passions, so you can get the most value out of your work experience.

Take a look at the blogs below to learn more about work experience at Aico, from former students.

Type of work

During your work experience placement at Aico, you will have the opportunity to spend time with three departments.

We have an array of teams ready to welcome you, including:


Our marketing team plays a vital role in promoting and representing the business; the team carries out tasks such as organising events, writing press releases and case studies, filming and animation, and running Aico’s social media accounts.


The finance team has a range of responsibilities, that typically include planning, organising, auditing, accounting for and controlling the company’s finances.


See behind the scenes of how our products are distributed within the fast-paced environment of the warehouse, with a core focus on sustainability.

IT & Data

The IT team supports internal and external colleagues in their everyday roles, ensuring their computer systems and software are working correctly.

Customer Services

The team delivers unrivaled customer service,  answering calls that are coming into the business, pro-active calls to Aico’s distribution channel, processing orders and general administrative duties.



Our technical team supports installers and contractors, offering product support and advice on alarm selection, siting and installation.

Corporate Social Responsibility

Our CSR Team provide support to both local and national educational and charitable organisations in order to help build sustainable futures for our communities.

Product Development

Our Product Development team are always working on exciting new projects. Get up close with our existing and new products, and learn about our product development processes.

How to apply for work experience

Interested in applying for a work experience placement at Aico? Please complete the form below and our Community Team will be in touch with more information.

Personal Details

Current courses being studied

Placement Details

I would like to undertake my work experience in the following departments: (please tick three options)

You have the opportunity to complete work experience in 2-3 departments
AccountabilityAirplane all_in_onearrow_downArrow Left Arrow Right audiobattery bedroom-fill bedroom bell blocks book_open books bulb calendar-time calendar cart Error circle-validclock cloud-upload cloud comments crossdata_download detectorsdining-room-fill document download-thin download exclamation filter fire-cloud firegarage-fill garagegatewayGroup-385guaranteegw-dashboard-red gw-doc-red gw-notifications-red gw-property gw-reduce gw-smartlink-red gw-time-red gw-wifi-red hallway-fill hallwayshand-heart hash headset hobicon-digital icon-easi-fit icon-sensor icon-switch icon-wireless infokey kitchen-fill kitchenlanding-fill landingslaptop launch living-room-fill living-roomloan-2 loan location-crosshairlocation-pin loft-fill loftmicrobiology mould_preventionnetwork no-cable opening_times opening-times Passionpeople phone-call Phone play position-pin pound-sign power presentation preventative_maintenancereading real-estate residentsretrofit_validationSafer-Communitiessalary savings search sensor settings-1 settings Share-Geniusshare sheild shield single-position smoke-alarm social_facebooksocial_googleplussocial_instagramsocial_linkedin_altsocial_linkedinsocial_pinterestsocial-share social-tiktoklogo-twitter-glyph-32social-xsocial-youtube spanner stairstail-left tail-right Team-Workticktrash Trustupdate-phone user verified warning-sign wifi-protected