Learn all about the new Fire & CO Legislation changes in Northern Ireland.


SmartLINK – The next generation of Radio Frequency Wireless Interconnection

With the introduction of the 3000 Series we have also advanced our award-winning Radio Frequency (RF) Wireless Interconnection and Data Monitoring technology.

We’ve made it smarter, easier and future-proof. We’ve taken our renowned RadioLINK+ technology and added a new range of functions and features.

Wireless Interconnection

The new SmartLINK technology provides the same proven wireless interconnection technology as RadioLINK and RadioLINK+. It uses Radio Frequency signals and is completely compatible with both existing systems.

  • No need for tricky cable runs, alarms interconnect using Radio Frequency signals.
  • When one alarm is triggered, all others sound for audibility throughout the property.
  • Expand existing systems easily by adding in SmartLINK technology.
  • Achieve remote whole-system data monitoring and extraction when access is not possible.

To add SmartLINK technology to your system, simply plug the Ei3000MRF SmartLINK module into any 3000 Series alarm head.

House Coding your Alarm System

To ensure all the alarms in your system sound when one is triggered, they must be House Coded together. When House Coded, the alarms will learn each other as a system to ensure secure interconnection and no cross-signals with any neighbouring systems. We’ve made House Coding as simple as possible to reduce time at install, whilst keeping it secure and reliable. For more information, visit our House Coding technical support page, or watch our how-to video.

Want to expand a system with extra alarms for increased coverage? Remote House Coding not only eliminates the disruption of running new interconnect cable, but also saves time at install, so House Coding new alarms to an existing system is even quicker and easier.

Ei1000G SmartLINK Gateway

SmartLINK enables real-time configurable notifications of alarm activations and events via a Gateway and Portal system for full visibility of your connected SmartLINK systems.

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