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6 things you didn’t know about the Ei3030

Written by:
Samuel Marston
Posted On:
30th May 2023

I’m Samuel Marston, Product Development Executive here at Aico, in this blog I answer some of your most frequently asked questions about our newest innovation in Multi-Sensor alarms, the Ei3030 Multi-Sensor Fire and Carbon Monoxide (CO) alarm.

1. Why was the Ei3030 developed?

The Ei3030 Multi-Sensor Fire and Carbon Monoxide Alarm is a ground-breaking new product that has been specifically designed to meet the demands and requirements of customers. It was developed in direct response to numerous customer requests for a single unit that combines the functionality of three essential sensors: Heat, Optical and Carbon Monoxide.

This innovative integration of sensor technologies offers a comprehensive solution to detect and monitor for both Fire and Carbon Monoxide levels in various environments.

By incorporating three types of sensors into a single unit, the Ei3030 not only provides enhanced convenience but also ensures the utmost safety and reliability. Customers no longer need to choose between different products or the number of units installed. With the Ei3030, they can have the best of both worlds, benefiting from the advanced features and capabilities of each type of sensor in one efficient and user-friendly device.

This development showcases the commitment of the company to continuously listen to customer feedback and deliver cutting-edge solutions that address their evolving needs.

2. What are some of the product specifications?

The Ei3030 surpasses expectations by not only integrating a Heat, Optical and Carbon Monoxide sensor but also incorporating advanced features such as rechargeable lithium backup batteries for a hassle-free experience.

It offers AudioLINK+ compatibility, enabling users to access detailed information and data via smartphones or tablets, while SmartLINK compatibility integrates the alarm system into a connected ecosystem for centralized control and monitoring.

With its comprehensive functionality and cutting-edge features, the Ei3030 ensures convenience, safety and seamless connectivity for users seeking a top-of-the-line alarm system.

3.Where would the Ei3030 best be utilised?

The versatility of the Ei3030 makes it suitable for installation in any room excluding the kitchen and garage.

By offering the detection of both Fire and Carbon Monoxide in a single unit, it eliminates the need for multiple alarms while maintaining comprehensive coverage.

Whether it’s a bedroom, living room, hallway, or any other space, the Ei3030 provides reliable and efficient detection of both fire and carbon monoxide hazards, ensuring peace of mind throughout the entire home.

4.How easy is it to integrate into existing Aico alarm systems?

The Ei3030 simplifies the process of integrating it into an existing system by utilising the Ei3000MRF module available for the 3000 series.

This compatibility allows for seamless integration, making it an easy addition to an already established system.

Additionally, for those who prefer a hardwired setup, the Ei3030 can be installed using the same standard process as any other Easi-fit alarm.

Whether users choose to expand their current system, the Ei3030 offers flexibility and convenience to meet their specific needs and preferences.

5.Is there anything similar on the market?

The Ei3030 offers a unique proposition compared to the closest unit in our range, the Ei3028. While the Ei3028 combines Heat and Carbon Monoxide (CO) detection for an ideal solution in kitchens, the Ei3030 takes a different approach by incorporating an optical & heat sensor alongside the CO sensor. This makes the Ei3030 well-suited for areas outside of the kitchen where Fire and CO detection are required in a single unit. By providing optical sensor capabilities, the Ei3030 enhances its ability to detect smoke and fire hazards, ensuring comprehensive protection throughout various rooms or spaces. Whether it’s a bedroom, living room, hallway, or any other area, the Ei3030 offers a versatile solution for combined Fire and CO detection beyond the specific kitchen application covered by the Ei3028.

6. Is there any cost-benefit?

The inclusion of both Fire and Carbon Monoxide (CO) protection in a single unit, such as the Ei3030, brings about significant advantages in terms of installation efficiency, fitting onto any existing Easi-fit base it provides an easy upgrade to existing installations. By combining these two crucial functionalities into a single device, the need for installing multiple units to cover both fire and CO sources is greatly reduced. This not only minimizes the amount of wiring required but also saves valuable time during the installation process. With the Ei3030, installers can achieve comprehensive Fire and CO protection with fewer units, streamlining the installation process and increasing overall efficiency. This benefit translates into convenience for both installers and users, making the Ei3030 an excellent choice for simplified and time-saving installations.

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