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Award celebrations all round!

Written by:
Alex Garmston
Posted On:
20th June 2019

If you follow us on social media, you may have seen that we have recently been celebrating multiple award wins. We are very proud of our products and of Aico itself, so seeing award wins for both of these aspects is a great success!

At the end of April, we were very proud to have won ASCP’s Community Initiative Award. Giving back to our local and wider community, is something that as a company we are very happy and excited to be able to do. As a company, we employ largely from the small market town in which we are based, therefore all of the employees are also passionate about their local community. Since starting our Aico in the Community team last year, we have been able to support local charities and initiatives by employees using a day a year of time away from the office to volunteer for these worthy causes. The whole team was therefore ecstatic to see that we had won an award for this initiative in which all members of the team have taken part in.

Just last week, we also won a further award! We won the Electrical Wholesaler Awards’ Best Safety/Security Award for our new Ei3028 Multi-Sensor Heat and Carbon Monoxide Alarm. We were also a runner up in the Best Customer Service: Manufacturer/Supplier category. Our Ei3028 was a widely anticipated product by the domestic fire alarm industry, with the alarm itself being produced on the back of customer demand for a combined Fire and Carbon Monoxide Alarm. It is great to see that this product has lived up to its expectations, especially as this award was voted for by Wholesalers themselves. We would like to say a massive thank you to all of those who voted for us to win this award!

Throughout the year, we have many more awards that we are applying for, so keep an eye on our social media to follow our progress with these.

EW Awards19 Winner

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