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Loughborough College Students Achieve Expert Installer Training

Written by:
Katie Coeulle
Posted On:
19th July 2023

Loughborough College has been providing high-quality education and training for over 100 years. Promoting the highest ambitions, both inside and outside the classroom has been core to the college’s culture and values. The college gave their Electrical Installation apprentices and students the opportunity to fulfil CPD Expert Installer Training with Aico, onboard Aico’s mobile training unit which came to Loughborough College.

Katie Coeulle, Aico’s Regional Specification Manager presented the training on alarm installation and gave each student their CPD Expert Installer certificate. This certificate would be familiar to employers in the industry due to it being an FIA CPD-certified training programme.

Satnam Reyat, Lecturer in Electrical Installation, Loughborough College

“Katie’s delivery, knowledge and help with the event was excellent. The groups including lecturers thoroughly enjoyed the event.”

Students were kept up to date with the latest legislation, regulations, and British Standards for Fire and Carbon Monoxide alarm systems applicable across the UK, covering domestic premises, existing properties, and new builds. Students were also able to get hands-on with the Aico alarms, linking multiple detectors together using Aico’s state-of-the-art RadioLINK frequency system.

Callum Shepherd, a first-year JTL apprentice said,

“I found the training very informative, and it opened my eyes to how important these alarms are.”

Students downloaded Aico’s AudioLINK+ App which allows them to get information from installed alarms while on-site. The app brings up information such as why and when the alarm was activated. The students were also shown the SmartLINK App that sets up a gateway system by using the QR code on each product. Synonymous with Aico’s HomeLINK Connected Home Solution which consists of a network of Fire and Carbon Monoxide alarms along with Environmental sensors that detect humidity, temperature, and CO2. Data from the HomeLINK devices are then collected by the Ei1000G Gateway which then displays the information on the online HomeLINK Portal.

T-Level Electrical first-year Callum McInnes added,

“I really enjoyed the training especially how interactive it was.”

All the Loughborough students left the session with a copy of Aico’s Installers Handybook which gives them the essential information to specify, install and maintain domestic home life safety systems.

To find out more about Aico’s Expert Installer training, please contact your local Regional Specification Manager – www.aico.co.uk/find-a-regional-spec-manager/

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