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Why would I interconnect my smoke alarms with my CO alarms?

Smoke alarm and CO alarm
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Posted On:
9th October 2019

“Confused, don’t be, your first thought is correct, we would normally discourage the interconnection of smoke alarms with CO alarms.”

Hang on I thought you couldn’t interconnect smoke alarms with CO alarms…?

Confused, don’t be, your first thought is correct, we would normally discourage the interconnection of smoke alarms with CO alarms. This is because the action that should be taken is dependent upon which alarm had activated, these situations are listed below:-

1  Fire Situation – In a fire situation all doors and windows should be kept closed to avoid ‘feeding’ the fire. Unless, of course, the occupants are using these to escape from the building!

2  CO Leak – In a CO leak, it is important to ventilate the area as soon as possible to dissipate the gas, so all doors and windows should be opened.

However, we also recognise that there is a significant advantage to be gained by interconnecting smoke and CO alarms. The main reason for this is that it will improve audibility of the CO alarm signal throughout the property.

In this situation, it is vital that the occupier of the house can easily identify the source of the alarm signal.

How do I interconnect my smoke alarms with CO alarms? I hear you ask…

It’s simple.

By using an Ei1529RC Remote Control Switch in the system. You can easily interconnect your smoke alarms.

For further information on this handy product please visit https://www.aico.co.uk/product/ei1529rc-hard-wired-alarm-control-switch/


by Dave

Dave is a member of our technical team; he has a very impressive 25 years of experience of working within the industry. Dave in his spare time enjoys all things fishing!



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