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The Centre of Excellence

Welcome to our state of the art training, meeting and education facility

Based at our Headquarters in Oswestry, our Centre of Excellence houses a range of rooms and demonstration areas designed to support customers from across the industry.

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Our facilities offer the perfect setting for bespoke training sessions, meetings and networking events

Since the Centre of Excellence first opened on the 14th January 2015, over 2,000 visitors have received training. Hundreds of Housing Associations, Local Authorities Electrical and Gas Contractors and Electrical Distributors have each benefited from the bespoke training sessions offered at the Centre, with numerous Electrical Associations also using the meeting rooms to hold their regional meetings.

Breakout Room

With a bespoke integrated AV system incorporating two 75″ screens and a 55″ TV screen, the Breakout Room is ideal for small meetings, networking and refreshment breaks. The room seats up to 60 people with two kitchen areas including coffee machines.

Technical workshop

The newly extended workshop seats up to 64 people and is a hands-on area for training on installation and wiring. The fully equipped workshop allows visitors to get up close with our products and is also the setting for many Expert Installer training options. The workshop also includes a specially made smoke chamber allowing for live fire demonstrations providing an innovative way to understand the dangers of fire and how the alarm sensors work to detect the incidents.

Ember Place

Ember Place is a fully furnished bungalow, comprising of a 60’s style living room, 90’s kitchen and a futuristic bedroom. All areas demonstrate Aico alarms in-situ, to help educate visitors on Fire and Carbon Monoxide risks within properties.

Flexible Meeting Room

The flexible meeting room is ideal for meetings and training sessions. Seating up to 40 people comfortably around two tables, the room contains presentation facilities including and interactive smartboard and lecturn.


The Auditorium is perfect for presentations and conferences, seating 116 people. It is equipped with a 4m projector screen, 4k projector and electric blinds.

How can I book a visit?

If you’re interested in attending a training session or booking our facilities for meeting, please get in touch with our team and we will be happy to help.

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01691 664 100
AccountabilityAirplane all_in_onearrow_downArrow Left Arrow Right audiobattery bedroom-fill bedroom bell blocks book_open books bulb calendar-time calendar cart Error circle-validclock cloud-upload cloud comments crossdata_download detectorsdining-room-fill document download-thin download exclamation filter fire-cloud firegarage-fill garagegatewayGroup-385guaranteegw-dashboard-red gw-doc-red gw-notifications-red gw-property gw-reduce gw-smartlink-red gw-time-red gw-wifi-red hallway-fill hallwayshand-heart hash headset hobicon-digital icon-easi-fit icon-sensor icon-switch icon-wireless infokey kitchen-fill kitchenlanding-fill landingslaptop launch living-room-fill living-roomloan-2 loan location-crosshairlocation-pin loft-fill loftmicrobiology mould_preventionnetwork no-cable opening_times opening-times Passionpeople phone-call Phone play position-pin pound-sign power presentation preventative_maintenancereading real-estate residentsretrofit_validationSafer-Communitiessalary savings search sensor settings-1 settings Share-Geniusshare sheild shield single-position smoke-alarm social_facebooksocial_googleplussocial_instagramsocial_linkedin_altsocial_linkedinsocial_pinterestsocial-share social-tiktoklogo-twitter-glyph-32social-xsocial-youtube spanner stairstail-left tail-right Team-Workticktrash Trustupdate-phone user verified warning-sign wifi-protected