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ASCP Safety & Compliance Conference & Awards

ASCP Safety & Compliance Conference & Awards

May 14 - May 15

The ASCP (Association of Safety and Compliance Professionals) Safety & Compliance Conference & Awards is an annual event dedicated to professionals in the social housing and facilities management sectors. The 2025 conference is scheduled for May 14-15 at the Celtic Manor Resort in Newport, United Kingdom.

The conference features a broad range of expert speakers discussing various safety and compliance topics, including gas, electric, fire, legionella, lifts and asbestos. Attendees can expect regulatory updates, leadership inspiration and best practice sharing. Alongside the conference, a large exhibition hall hosts a wide range of exhibitors showcasing the latest products and services relevant to the sector.

The event also includes a black tie awards ceremony recognising the achievements of organisations and inspirational individuals within social housing and facilities management. The evening features networking opportunities, fine dining, entertainment from a comedian and live music.

For more information about the event, including registration details and the awards nomination process, you can visit the ASCP’s official events page.

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