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CIH Housing Community Summit

CIH Housing Community Summit

September 8 - September 9

The Housing Community Summit is a collaborative event organised by the Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH) and the National Housing Federation (NHF). The upcoming summit is scheduled for September 8-9, 2025, at the ACC Liverpool in Liverpool, United Kingdom.

This summit aims to unite housing professionals, stakeholders, policymakers and residents to discuss and shape the future of social housing. The event features two main content streams:

  • Housing in Focus: this stream offers strategic content, including thought leadership sessions from prominent political figures and senior housing leaders, focusing on business strategy and delivering social purpose
  • Housing in Practice: tailored for practitioners, this program includes sessions on topics such as property management, customer engagement, data, and operations. CIH and NHF members from social housing organisations can access this stream for free.
  • The summit also features a curated exhibition showcasing partners, stakeholders and suppliers in the housing sector, providing ample networking opportunities. Attendees can choose to participate in either or both content streams, depending on their interests and professional needs
  • For more detailed information, including registration options and program specifics, you can visit the official Housing Community Summit website.
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