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NIFHA Development and Asset Management Conference
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NIFHA Development and Asset Management Conference

February 13

The Northern Ireland Federation of Housing Associations (NIFHA) is hosting its 2025 Development & Asset Management Conference on Thursday, 13th February 2025, from 9:15 AM to 4:30 PM at St Comgall’s Conference Centre on Divis Street.

The conference will address several pertinent topics, including:

  • A skills debate featuring local specialists discussing upcoming challenges in the sector.
  • A discussion on Northern Ireland’s under-developed water and sewerage infrastructure, offering a forthright examination of the issues.
  • This event is particularly relevant for professionals involved in the building, maintenance or general management of social homes, as well as suppliers to the sector.

For more information or to secure a delegate place, please visit NIFHA’s official event page.

The event will attract Housing Association Chief Executives, Board Members, Development Directors, Procurement Managers, Asset Managers along with their range of professional partners from the construction, maintenance, investment and legal sectors.

An event not to be missed by anyone involved in the design, build and maintenance of social and affordable housing.

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