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Screwfix Live

Screwfix Live

September 25 - September 28

Screwfix Live is an annual trade show organised by Screwfix, a leading UK-based retailer of trade tools, accessories and hardware products. The event showcases a wide range of products from over 180 industry leading brands, offering exclusive deals, live product demonstrations and opportunities to interact with suppliers and industry experts. Attendees often receive complimentary goodie bags and have access to special promotions during the event.

The most recent Screwfix Live took place from September 27 to 29, 2024, at the Farnborough International Exhibition and Conference Centre. The event attracted over 26,000 visitors, setting a new attendance record. Highlights included appearances by celebrities such as Harry Redknapp, Team GB weightlifter Emily Campbell and adventurer Russ Cook. The show also hosted the final of the Screwfix Top Tradesperson 2024 competition, celebrating outstanding professionals in the trade industry.

As of now, specific details regarding Screwfix Live 2025 have not been officially announced. However, based on previous years, it is anticipated that the event will continue to offer valuable opportunities for trade professionals and DIY enthusiasts to explore the latest products and innovations in the industry.

For the most up-to-date information, including dates, location, and registration details for the 2025 event, it is recommended to regularly check the official Screwfix website.

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