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The InstallerSHOW

The InstallerSHOW

June 24 - June 26

The InstallerSHOW is a premier annual event in the UK, bringing together professionals from the heat, water, air and energy sectors. The upcoming InstallerSHOW 2025 is scheduled to take place from June 24 to 26 at the National Exhibition Centre (NEC) in Birmingham.

This event serves as a central hub for installers, specifiers, and decision makers to explore new products, engage in live sessions and network with manufacturers. The 2025 edition is expected to feature over 600 exhibitors and attract more than 20,000 attendees. Key segments of the show will include HVAC, electrical innovations, workwear and tools, kitchens and bathrooms, solar energy solutions and a new focus on safety and sustainability in construction through the InstallerBUILD feature.

For more detailed information and to register for the event, you can visit the official InstallerSHOW website.

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