Learn all about the new Fire & CO Legislation changes in Northern Ireland.

Retrofit monitoring and evaluation for PAS 2035

Optimise the selection of homes for retrofit works, monitor if intended outcomes have been achieved and identify elements that are not working as expected.

Pre-retrofit Monitoring to Identify Poorest Performing Homes

Target properties that need improving the most, for the biggest impact first. The path to retrofitting at scale means optimising the level of retrofit required across your social housing portfolio in pursuit of net zero. Understand which properties require what retrofit solutions with our platform – from draught and ventilation issues to heating and cooling performance, all highlighted on the HomeLINK Portal.

Knowing which properties are in need of work and what measures are required helps landlords plan improvement works. When combined with resident needs, this knowledge means landlords can target resources to those who need them the most.

Find out more about standards and legislation

Post-retrofit Monitoring and Validation

Most retrofit assessments are based on assumptions. Each home is unique, and every household has its own way of living. Assessments work to some degree, but we don’t really know which measures are effective in different situations. Until now. With pre- and post-retrofit monitoring, you have the data and information you need to compare homes before-and-after retrofitting, providing data-led retrofit validation.

Understand building energy performance and ensure intended benefits are achieved (or get notified if a retrofit caused an unintended negative consequence) with our advanced retrofit monitoring.

Retrofits Can be Tracked & Monitored with Custom Notes in the Portal

Our handy in-portal notes feature means you won’t need to use different methods to keep track of what’s going on when retrofitting at scale.

Keep track of actions and know if they’ve led to a positive outcome while avoiding unintended outcomes along the way. Retrofit works can be disruptive to residents’ homes – Notes give landlords the information they need to ensure homes remain safe and healthy throughout the works.

For example, enhancing a building’s thermal efficiency will result in increased airtightness. Well-specified and appropriately used ventilation is essential to ensuring a healthy indoor environment is maintained. Using the Notes feature, landlords can track the impact of interventions ensuring the system provides adequate ventilation, and the occupant is using it to good effect.

Futureproof Your Housing Portfolio

Tracking retrofit measures across your entire housing portfolio enables you to assess the impact of installed measures across archetypes and other building and resident characteristics to inform future retrofit strategies. The result is targeted and optimised investment to produce better quality, more comfortable, and cheaper-to-run homes for your tenants.

Having the right data for decision-making minimises the risk of failed retrofits which can cost up to five times their original cost to put right. Measured building performance enables landlords to understand the efficiency of their housing stock accurately, without relying on assumptions.

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