Keeping you and your family safe from Fire and Carbon Monoxide since 1990.

Home life safety products your household can rely on.

Find The Right Alarm For You
Ei3024 Multi-Sensor Fire Alarm
3000 Series

The European Market Leader in Home Life Safety

Leading the way in domestic Fire and Carbon Monoxide (CO) protection, we’re here to protect your loved ones and ensure your home is equipped with the highest quality smoke alarms.

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Find an Expert Installer

Aico Expert Installers have completed our dedicated training scheme to ensure they have all the information they need to correctly install domestic Fire and Carbon Monoxide Alarm Systems for the most effective protection.

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Find a Stockist

Aico alarms are available to purchase from our approved list of stockists across the UK. Use our online search tool to find your nearest store.

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Find The Right Product For You.

We understand the importance of finding the right fire alarm per room type, which is why we’ve created a product selector to help you ascertain exactly what you need.

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CO Alarms


Great! Which room would you like your alarm to go in?



Our Products By Room

Aico Fire, Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Alarms are designed to detect different types of heat per room to ensure you aren’t falsely alerted.

Ei3014 Mains Powered Heat Alarm
3000 Series
Ei3016 Optical Smoke Alarm
3000 Series
Ei3024 Multi-Sensor Fire Alarm
3000 Series

Why choose Aico alarms?

We won’t let our fire alarms leave the warehouse without being tested a minimum of four times prior to delivery.

Find Out More About Aico
Designed And Manufactured in Ireland

High quality alarms designed, developed and manufactured at our factory in Ireland.

Technical Advice And Support

We offer expert technical support and advice on alarm selection, siting and installation.

All Alarms Meet UK Standards

Aico alarms meet all UK standards with a wide range of sensor types.

35 Years’ Experience

Leading in product innovation since 1990.


Protecting UK homes since 1990

In 2024 alone, Aico created safer homes with over 6 million home life safety devices.

Quality you can rely on

For the most reliable, lifesaving detection, each alarm not only meets every approval but is tested multiple times before it leaves our factory, primarily on initial assembly, at the test and calibration stage and a final thorough test. Every alarm is also third party accredited to the relevant British or European standard, assuring high-quality alarms that you can rely on.

Support you can depend on

Providing support is at the heart of what we do, delivering high-quality customer service every step of the way. Our Technical Team is available to answer any questions you have about our alarms and accessories, from beeping alarms and installation queries to interconnection issues. If you have any questions, please call 01691 664100 or email

We’re Here To Help

Our support team are on hand to help with your fire safety questions.

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01691 664 100
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