Why Replace Fire Alarms Every 10 Years? The Science Behind Fire & CO Alarm Lifespan

Fire and carbon monoxide (CO) play a crucial role in home safety, and the importance of their correct installation and maintenance cannot be overstated. However, while home fire alarms are built to last, their effectiveness decreases over time. A gradual decline in performance throughout the fire alarm lifespan can leave you vulnerable and be the difference between a safe escape and a tragic outcome should a fire occur, or CO levels in your home rise. According to leading UK alarm manufacturers, replacing alarms every 10 years ensures they continue to provide life saving protection for you and your loved ones.

In this blog, we’ll delve into the importance of this vital safety measure and provide you with the information you need to ensure your family’s well-being.

Why Do Fire & CO Alarms Expire? Understanding Sensor Degradation

With the installation of your fire and CO alarms, it’s important to be aware of the reasons that can contribute to a decline in accuracy and sensitivity over the years. There are multiple factors that have a hand in their decline, including:

  • Environmental Impact – Over time, airborne contaminants like cooking fumes, dust and humidity settle on smoke and CO alarm sensors, reducing their sensitivity. This accumulation leads to alarm sensor degradation, increasing the risk of fire detection failure, or the triggering of false alarms. Regular maintenance helps, but after 10 years, these sensors lose effectiveness and require replacement to meet fire alarm safety standards.
  • Sensor Degradation – An alarm’s sensor is the component responsible for detecting danger, whether that is fire or CO. The sensors rely on specific chemical or physical processes to occur, however, these processes become less efficient over time, and this can be pushed along to the environmental sensors mentioned above.
  • Component Wear and Tear – Furthermore, the alarm components can also deteriorate over time. Capacitors, resistors, and internal wiring can become brittle or corroded, leading to malfunctions and false alarms. Therefore, you could have a seemingly working alarm that fails during a real emergency.

Fire Alarm Maintenance Checklist

The proper care and maintenance of your alarms is essential in ensuring their good working condition throughout their lifespan and ensuring their effectiveness. Aico advises that alarms are regularly maintained, and for your fire alarms, there are just a few simple steps involved in making sure there is nothing inside that could trigger a nuisance alarm:

  • Use a cool hairdryer or compressed air to blow away any dust or debris that might be inside.
  • Gently use a vacuum nozzle to clean out the vents—this helps keep it working properly.
  • Use a clean, damp cloth to clean the outside and then dry it with a lint-free cloth.

Furthermore, Aico strongly encourages homeowners to test their alarms at least once a month, for full peace of mind and security. Find out how to correctly test your alarms.

What Do Safety Regulations Say About Alarm Lifespan?

While fire alarm safety regulations don’t specifically mandate the replacement of fire alarms after 10 years, adhering to established standards and manufacturer guidelines is crucial for ensuring optimal safety. The National Fire Chiefs Council (NFCC) seconds this recommendation, highlighting the importance of referring to the manufacturer’s instructions and testing the devices at least once a month to maintain home alarm compliance. alarm replace by date

Furthermore, fire safety organisations, including Aico, understand the intricacies of sensor technologies, and design alarms to be replaced before sensors become unreliable. To find out the replacement date of your Aico alarm, you will need to check the date-code label on the side of the detector. This label tells you exactly when the alarm was made and its recommended replacement date.

  • The four-digit code indicates the year and week of manufacture. The first two digits represent the year, and the second two, the week.
  • “The ‘Replace By’ date is located above the code. Remember, this is the maximum lifespan; alarms should be replaced proactively, before this date.

What Happens if You Don’t Replace Your Alarms?

Failure to replace your fire alarms at the end of their lifespan could lead to a reduced ability to detect fire. Sensor and component decline is often gradual, making it difficult to notice until it’s too late. As a result, you, your family, and your home are at a heightened risk, potentially leaving you with less time to escape should a fire occur.

Additionally, older alarms can become highly contaminated, leading to frequent false alarms. This can cause people to ignore genuine fire warnings and put themselves at serious risk. Also, it is important to remember that any battery within the alarm will also degrade over time.

Steps to Ensure Your Home is Protected

Ensuring you are aware of your fire alarm’s age and condition is the first step in ensuring your home is protected, that way you know when to replace the alarms. It is also essential to ensure you are installing the correct replacement. Installing the correct type of alarm for the specific location in your home is crucial for fire safety. BS 5839-6 provides detailed guidance regarding the installation of interconnected alarms into various property types, and where they should be sited, ensuring that the level of protection given is proportionate to the fire risk in each area.

To identify the alarms that suit your home best, you can visit our useful Product Selector, where you will find a range of battery-powered and hard-wired smoke, heat and CO alarms, including our 3000 Series Alarms – series of single and multi-sensor alarms designed to provide full circle protection in the home. However, if you’re not sure which alarm is the right replacement for you, get in touch with our knowledgeable team, who are always happy to help, or an approved Aico stockist in your local area.

Furthermore, if your existing fire alarm has an Aico easi-fit base, you can replace the alarm yourself as there is no need to remove or rewire the baseplate.

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Fire alarm replacement steps (for mains powered alarms) are:

  • Turn the mains power to the alarms off in the property and ensure the green indicator light on the alarm is off.
  • Find the flattened “T” shaped slot on the side of the alarm. It will have a sticker and arrow indicating “insert screwdriver to remove.”
  • Insert a small flat-head screwdriver into the slot. While pushing the screwdriver, gently slide the alarm head away from it. The old alarm will then come down in your hand.
  • To connect the new alarm, align the new unit with the mounting plate and slide it into place. You’ll hear a slight click when it is properly secured.
  • Turn the power back on from the mains and make sure the green indicator light is on.
  • Press and hold the test button on the front of the alarm. It should sound an alarm.

Find out how to replace your battery-powered alarms.

Moreover, you can contact an Aico Expert Installer to ensure the process is completed safely with the correct electrical work. All Expert Installers have been trained to ensure the correct installation of domestic fire, smoke and CO alarm systems.

Don’t Wait, Replace Your Alarms Today

The importance of replacing your fire alarms in a timely manner cannot be overstated. Sensor degradation, the risk of false alarms, and reduced sensitivity all contribute to a significant decrease in your home’s fire safety. Checking your alarms and ensuring their full functionality is essential in protecting you and your loved ones and minimising the impact of a fire.

Check your smoke and CO alarm lifespan today and upgrade to the latest safety technology. To find the right alarm replacement for your home, explore our full product range today, or get in touch with our expert team for further information and guidance.

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