Alarm Disposal

It is important to dispose of your Aico products in the correct way to ensure safety and effective recycling of electrical products.

The Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Regulations aim to reduce the environmental impact of electronic waste. These regulations ensure that products like smoke alarms and other electrical products are recycled and disposed of correctly.

Smoke alarms and other Aico products contain electronic circuits, batteries, plastic casings and other components. It is important that these products are disposed of correctly to ensure safety for consumers, to allow effective recycling of materials and to promote sustainability.

Under the WEEE Regulations, consumers are responsible for ensuring that their electronic waste, including smoke alarms, is disposed of correctly.

Disposal Guide – End Consumer

1. Check the label and instructions

Look for the crossed out wheelie bin symbol on your Aico product. This should be present on a label on the product and also within the product instructions. These examples indicate that the product should not be disposed of via the normal household waste stream.

2. Local Collection Points

Visit your local council’s website or contact them to find your nearest WEEE recycling centre. These centres are equipped to handle electronic waste such as smoke alarms.

A postcode search facility is also available on the UK Government website here.

3. Preparing For Disposal

Before disposal, remove any batteries that are easily accessible for separate recycling. Follow any specific instructions provided by your local council.

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