Smoke Alarms

Our Smoke Alarms have kept families safe and secure for generations.

Create a smoke alarm system for your household

From battery-powered devices to alarm systems that you can wire into your electrics, our smoke alarm products are easy to fit, meaning your home will be protected within minutes of installing the device.

Product Selector

The most effective and innovative smoke alarms on the market.

A 5-year guarantee on all smoke alarms give you peace of mind. 10-years on 3000 Series alarms (excluding the battery).

Our fast-acting sensors are designed to detect all different fire types.

Every alarm is tested at least 4 times, putting your safety first.

Smoke Alarm FAQs

Your questions answered. Browse our FAQs to
find the information you are looking for.

Do smoke alarms expire?

Smoke alarms generally have a recommended lifespan of 8-10 years. All of Aico’s Smoke Alarms last 10 years and a selection come fitted with a rechargeable lithium battery.

How often should smoke alarms be tested?

Smoke alarms should be tested monthly as regular testing helps ensure they are functioning correctly. Visit our page for advice on how to clean and maintain your smoke alarms as well as general alarm testing information.

Do smoke alarms detect carbon monoxide?

While some smoke alarms also detect carbon monoxide, not all of them do. It’s essential to check the product specifications to ensure the alarm provides both smoke and carbon monoxide detection. Aico also stock a range of CO alarms.

How many smoke alarms do I need?

It is recommended to have smoke alarms installed in every bedroom, outside sleeping areas, and on every level of the home, including the basement. You can find out more in our comprehensive guide on where to place smoke alarms.

How do I turn off a smoke alarm?

To turn off smoke alarms, locate the reset or silence button on the alarm and press it. If the alarm continues to beep, check for low battery issues or smoke sources before consulting the user manual.

Can’t find what you’re looking for?

Email for more information

Not Sure Which Product Is Right For You? Try Our Product Selector.

We understand the importance of finding the right Alarms for your home, which is why we’ve created a product selector to help you ascertain exactly what you need.

Visit Product Selector


Hey! What kind of alarm are you looking for?


CO Alarms


Great! Which room would you like your alarm to go in?



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Our support team are on hand to help with your fire safety questions.

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