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We always look for opportunities in which we can help within our community.

Our aim is to build relationships with local community groups and charitable organisations and assist by offering volunteering opportunities to our colleagues. We offer and encourage our colleagues to take time out of their normal working day to volunteer within the community and every team member is given multiple days per year for volunteering activities.

What we have achieved so far

Here’s how we have helped our communities through volunteering.

Causes Supported
Hours Volunteered

Organisations we are proud to support

We are proud to support a selection of fantastic charities, schools and organisations from Shropshire and beyond.

Volunteering activities for colleagues

Examples of activities include garden maintenance at a local Children’s Hospice to improve their outside space, helping at our local Food Bank, from collecting food donations to colleagues helping pack Christmas Hampers for those struggling financially.

We understand the importance of educational encounters with students and how this links to the future of progression by participating in local school careers fairs, apprenticeship events and school engagement sessions.

Willowdene Rehabilitation

Supporting Willowdene Rehabilitation Centre

Willowdene Rehabilitation is a pioneering rehabilitation facility located in the heart of West Mercia, providing innovative rehabilitation, targeted training, work experience and resettlement to men and women facing complex issues. Willowdene provides an inclusive, safe environment where men and women can identify, acknowledge and tackle the issues of their past so that they can understand their present and build their future.

We are proud to offer continued support to Willowdene, with colleagues volunteering at the site as part of their free community support days.

Colleagues have supported Willowdene with a variety of tasks and activities such as landscaping and outdoor maintenance, painting and decorating and assisting with livestock duties.

Aico TV – Willowdene Special

Aico were delighted to formally open the brand-new Family Assessment Centre at Willowdene Rehabilitation on Thursday 25th March 2021 – watch the Aico TV special here!

Watch Now

Organisations we support

At Aico, we aim to support a range of organisations through colleague volunteering, both locally and nationally. Find out more about our volunteering activities below.

Volunteering at Woodside School

Our colleagues have recently started volunteering at Woodside Primary School in Oswestry to decorate the school’s Wellbeing Centre, which will provide a much-needed meeting space to support the general wellbeing of their students. Circumstances resulting from the current climate have led to a delay in the redevelopment of the Wellbeing Centre. Our colleagues have helped to create an open and safe space that was suitable for immediate use, facilitating the crucial support many of their students require. We will continue to support Woodside Primary School throughout the summer break to make further improvements to the Wellbeing Centre and its outdoor surroundings.

Bristol River Clean Up

Our colleagues in Bristol volunteered their time in support of the Bristol Avon River Trust. The team managed to clear between 200-300kg of litter over a 25 metre stretch of the river, helping to make this public place in a relatively deprived area much cleaner and safer for residents and wildlife.

They came across some interesting rubbish, including a motor, a drill, the usual car tyres and bikes and surprisingly a crisp packet with a best before date of 2002! Clearly our rivers and surrounding areas face a huge problem tackling discarded rubbish and the Bristol Avon River Trust are very grateful for the help our colleagues were able to give.


OsNosh is a community kitchen based in Oswestry who utilise food donations and surplus food from local supermarkets to create and deliver meals to vulnerable people in the local area. During the pandemic our colleagues got involved with this fantastic cause, supporting the OsNosh team in collecting surplus food, cooking, and delivering hot meals to those in need.

Midlands Air Ambulance Charity

We have a longstanding relationship with Midlands Air Ambulance Charity, and have shown continued support through volunteering in their stores, donations and becoming a corporate partner.

Midlands Air Ambulance Charity is responsible for funding and operating three air ambulance helicopters and two critical care cars serving the communities of six Midlands counties: Gloucestershire, Herefordshire, Shropshire, Staffordshire, the West Midlands and Worcestershire.

Find out why corporate support is so valuable to Midlands Air Ambulance Charity in this short video.

“I am delighted that Aico is supporting Willowdene.”

“Aico’s support will make a significant difference to students accessing our service, many of whom live in our county. The majority of students face multiple issues in life including substance misuse, domestic abuse, unemployment, mental health challenges and restricted education. We are pleased to be providing life changing interventions through the support generously offered by Aico.”

Dr Matt Home, Director, Willowdene Rehabilitation

“The recruitment of volunteers represents a perennial challenge for the Nightingale House retail team.”

“So when Aico contacted our hospice to offer their support we welcomed them with open arms. The Aico team were an absolute joy to work with, they took time out to help sort through donations at our Donation Centre on Whitegate Industrial Estate and it’s great to see businesses being so proactive in the community. Their hard work has lessened the workload for our busy retail team, which is massively appreciated – thank you so much.”

Jo Kearns, Volunteer Manager, Nightingale Hospice

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