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Aico Celebrates 30 Years of Business

30th collage
Written by:
Louise Cowling
Posted On:
10th June 2020

Aico celebrates a significant milestone in 2020; 30 years reaching market leader status in Fire and Carbon Monoxide protection. Incorporated in 1990 in Oswestry, Shropshire, Aico has rapidly grown from strength to strength over its 30-year history, with the growth being marked by the move to a new, bespoke head office.

The new 7-acre site came as a necessity as Aico’s growth and success has seen significant expansion to the team and operations. The new building provides a bold welcome to company visitors and passing traffic. More than half of the overall site is taken up with landscaping, paying homage to the wider county’s famous green countryside, which is a key theme throughout the new build, aiming to preserve current eco-systems and encourage wildlife to flourish.

The building was designed to facilitate the company’s key goal of a healthy work environment with employee wellness to the fore. Multi-functional rooms make space for the company’s core people development practices and team building, something Managing Director Neal Hooper attributes to being the strength of the company…

“We have a passion for developing people and it shows in our culture. We hold ourselves to high standards and make sure our values of integrity, excellence, teamwork, commitment and sustainability come to life in the way we work. Each member of Aico understands that this new site is theirs and for their teams’ infrastructure to grow and develop in for years to come.”

At the beginning of the year, the Lion Quays Resort in Shropshire played host to an event marking the special occasion, with employees treated to a surprise guest speaker in the form of footballing legend Kevin Keegan. Mr. Keegan took to the stage to congratulate Aico on its 30-year anniversary and regaled staff with anecdotes from his impressive career. Reiterating Aico’s ethos of Education, Quality, Service and Innovation, Mr. Keegan spoke of the importance of teamwork, attitude and commitment. Technical Advisor for Aico Dave Jennings, who has an impressive 26-year career with the company, commented…

“I started my career with Aico in 1994 and seeing the company’s growth over the past 26 years has been incredible. Aico has advanced and expanded and it’s great to see the new apprentices coming in now so that Aico has a future for generations to come.”

In a continuation of Aico’s pledge to support local charity The Movement Centre, the opportunity was taken to hold a charity raffle at the 30th anniversary event, raising a fantastic £2,000. This will be donated to The Movement Centre as part of the ongoing work carried out by the Aico in the Community initiative, supporting this wonderful charity.

The Movement Centre is an Oswestry-based charity dedicated to supporting children with movement disabilities, helping to change the lives of these children and their families.

For more information on The Movement Centre and the incredible work they carry out, please click here.

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