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Aico host Triple Olympic Champion

Written by:
Alex Garmston
Posted On:
4th February 2022

Thursday evening saw Aico, the European Leader in Home Life Safety play host to an evening with Triple Olympic Champion Ed Clancy OBE at their head office in Oswestry.

The event organised by Adrenaline Sporting Events saw over 100 people attend to listen to Olympic Champion Ed Clancy OBE talk about how he got into the world of cycling from an early age, the challenges he has faced over an illustrious career, and what his plans are now he is retired. The event was aimed to raise much-needed funds for the Midlands Air Ambulance Charity (MAAC).

“It was a real honour to host an evening with Ed Clancy OBE, to share his journey with the local cycling community was very special and the feedback has been positive. To connect this event with raising funds for the MAAC made it even more worthwhile.” stated organiser Alan Lewis, Founder of Adrenaline Sporting Events.

During the evening guests had the opportunity to ask Ed what it was like to be part of the team pursuit team which included the likes of Geraint Thomas and Sir Bradley Wiggins that claimed gold medals at the 2008, 2012, and 2016 Olympic games. As well as asking for any advice Ed could offer to young people looking to get into the sport.

Ed Clancy OBE commented “I really enjoyed the evening at Aico and it was good to help raise money for the MAAC. It was also great to meet some of the cycling community of Shropshire. I look forward to attending more Adrenaline Sporting Events in 2022.”

The evening saw over £1,500 raised for the Midlands Air Ambulance Charity through a raffle which included cycling memorabilia such as helmets, bike accessories, signed shirts, and more which was kindly donated by local businesses.

Jane Pritchard, Community Liaison for Aico expressed “It has been a wonderful experience hosting an Olympic Champion and supporting Adrenaline Sporting Events with the use of our facilities for this event. We hope to host more events in the future and raise more funds for the MAAC and other charities that need support.”

For more information about Adrenaline Sporting Events please visit https://www.adrenalinesportingevents.co.uk/

To find how about you can donate to the Midlands Air Ambulance Charity visit  https://www.midlandsairambulance.com/

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