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It’s been a busy week for Aico in the Community

CSR Press Release
Written by:
Louise Cowling
Posted On:
11th September 2020

Aico in the Community’ have been busy this week, from volunteering and fundraising, to taking part in a webinar on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).

At the beginning of the week, colleagues volunteered their time to support the Shropshire Domestic Abuse Service who provide safe accommodation, an outreach and a children/young people’s service to adults and their children who’s lives are affected by domestic abuse and violence. Over two days, Aico colleagues helped with outdoor maintenance at a local refuge, cutting hedges, mowing lawns, painting the shed and bench that Aico donated. This will provide a safe and welcoming outdoor area for families using the refuge to enjoy.

As Electrical Industries Charity (EIC) Champions, Aico support and get involved in events and fundraisers held by the EIC. On Thursday 10th September it was EIC Day; a day dedicated to fundraising to help the charity continue providing vital support to those in the electrical sector. Aico colleagues took part in a dress down day and got involved in various activities such as a raffle, a darts challenge and a quiz, raising over £300 for the EIC.

To end the week, Aico’s Managing Director Neal Hooper joined Helen Knight, Development Manager at Lingen Davies Cancer Fund, for an informative webinar on CSR. Neal Hooper discussed Aico’s CSR programme ‘Aico in the Community’ sharing the ambitions, experiences, passion and rewarding benefits he and his team have in supporting communities. Neal emphasised how important Aico’s culture and values are to colleagues and how CSR can be beneficial to you, as a business.

Jane Pritchard, Aico’s Community Liaison comments “With all of this weeks CSR activities, it really is great to be able to support these amazing organisations. Colleagues have volunteered their time and are always keen to get involved and help with fundraising. We were delighted to be able to support Lingen Davies Cancer Fund and work together on the live webinar, sharing our experiences with other businesses and organisations across Shropshire. On behalf of Aico, a big ‘thank you’ to Mandy Thorn, Teresa Rowe and The Shropshire Chamber of Commerce for your support in hosting this event.”

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