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Aico puts Education at the Core for London Borough of Camden Family Fun Day

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5th August 2019

Aico recently attended London Borough of Camden’s Family Fun Day in partnership with Mulalley Co Ltd, which was aimed at young people for whom English is not their first spoken language and who currently translate key messages for their parents, regarding fire safety.

Tina Mistry, Aico’s Regional Specification Manager from North London explains “Through using educational worksheets about alarms, the effects of Carbon Monoxide and the importance of testing alarms on a monthly basis was conveyed. The worksheets were effective and encouraged the young people to be practically involved.”

Mulalley’s mascot, Safe Sammy, was also in attendance to hand out goody bags to the children. Bruce Benson, Mulalley Operations Director said: “We were delighted to take part in Camden’s Family Fun Day. Mulalley is always keen to give back to the communities where we are working and assisting families with fire alarm safety is of key importance.”

Aico are currently working with Inside Housing under the Resident Safety Campaign and one of the issues faced by Landlords is access. Tina Mistry is involved in communicating keys messages under this campaign “Access is an issue but this can be reduced if we collectively engage and educate not only the adults but also empower the children using cost effective tools such as educational fact sheets, especially within communities where English is not the first spoken language. Thank you Mulalley Co Ltd and London Borough of Camden for all your support, great partnership working at its best!”

For more information about the Resident Safety Campaign and how to enter please visit www.insidehousing.co.uk/sponsored/sponsored/inside-housing-and-aico-competition-tell-us-about-your-resident-safety-campaign 

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