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Aico to celebrate exceptional Apprentices across the British Electrical Industry

Written by:
Lauren Jones
Posted On:
18th October 2023

Aico is delighted to launch the Apprentice of the Year Award for 2024. The award has been established to honour the brightest talents within the electrical industry.

Education is a fundamental principle for Aico; we firmly believe that providing future installers with industry knowledge and expertise is vital to creating safer communities. Aico has introduced this new award to applaud the remarkable accomplishments made by future professionals within our industry.

In his statement, Aico’s National Sales Manager, Tony Boyle, emphasised the purpose of the Apprentice of the Year award: “Our Apprentice of the Year award aims to recognise outstanding apprentices who not only have excellent technical skills but are role models for others in our industry. The electrical professionals of tomorrow are so important to our industry, and we aim to highlight and celebrate their success.”

The award is now open for entries, with a closing date of the 1st of January 2024. All apprentices are required to submit their application forms to marketing@aico.co.uk. Application forms can be readily accessed on our website at https://www.aico.co.uk/news-and-events/apprentice-of-the-year-2024.

From the entries, twelve selected nominees will attend the JTL Training Centre Day in Birmingham to take part in the final assessment. All twelve Apprentices reaching this stage will receive a fully loaded state-of-the-art toolkit. Following the assessment centre day, the top six apprentices selected will receive an exclusive invitation to the Aico in The Community Awards, set to take place on the 18th of April, 2024. The deserving winner will be announced at the Community Awards and will also receive a top-of-the-range multi-function tester to add to their toolkit (worth up to £1400). Alongside this brilliant prize, the winner can expect to be recognised industry-wide for their fantastic accomplishment.

Download the Entry Form:

Apprentice of the Year Award 2024 – Entry Form 

For more information about the award: 


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