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Aico’s Expert Installer – Leading the way with free industry CPD training

Written by:
Alex Garmston
Posted On:
31st July 2017

Aico is celebrating training 14,000 installers across the UK through its Expert Installer Training scheme, with 2,500 of those being in 2017 alone.

Aico is the only manufacturer in the industry providing customers with CPD accredited training, free of charge and delivered in ways that are convenient to customers.  This includes a dedicated training centre, Mobile Training & Demonstration Units and training held in your own premises.

Keeping up to date with the latest developments is essential if you are to provide the best protection.  Training has a vital role to play and is not just for contractors on the ground, but for anyone involved in alarm specification and maintenance and even Asset Managers.

Neal Hooper, Managing Director of Aico commented ‘We have always been committed to providing education and practical support to our customers. We manufacture life saving devices so it’s important that the right alarms are specified and installed and maintained correctly to protect people within their homes.’

Aico’s Centre of Excellence located in Oswestry, Shropshire is a purpose built training and meeting facility which also allows us to demonstrate our product range and technologies.  Launched in 2015 as part of our 25th anniversary celebrations, it has just been extended to double its size in 2017 to meet customer demand for its facilities.

The Centre of Excellence features a new workshop that easily accommodates 20 people in a hands-on training session and enables visitors to view alarms in action with the use of a smoke chamber.  In addition, it is home to ‘Ember Place’ – a furnished bungalow fitted with suitable Aico alarms and accessories – large modern meeting and conference rooms, break out areas and a Heritage and Manufacturing Area featuring a virtual tour of the Ei factory in Ireland where all the alarms are made.

A new addition to our training facilities and much in demand are the Aico Mobile Training & Demonstration Units.  These vehicles enable training to be delivered, along with detailed product and alarm technology information, right to customers’ doors.  The Mobile Units cater for many different requirements, be it a hands on training session with Aico alarms and technologies, a product demonstration, or working on bespoke specification projects.

Ultimately Aico believe quality life saving products need to be backed up with quality support; training that goes beyond just a ‘product tour’ is a key ingredient in that.

If you would like further information on Aico’s Expert Installer training scheme visit www.aico.co.uk/expertinstaller for more information.

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