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Cheshire West & Chester Council Embrace Innovation with Roll-Out of the Ei3030 Multi-Sensor Alarm

Written by:
Carl Traynor
Posted On:
21st August 2024

Cheshire West and Chester Council, colloquially known as ‘CWAC’ have embraced new technologies by recently adopting a revised specification to ensure the safety of its residents. This involves fitting Aico’s flagship Ei3030 Multi-Sensor Alarm across their housing stock on upgrade programs and where replacements are required.

The combined Optical, Heat and Carbon Monoxide (CO) alarm was launched in summer 2023 and is quickly being adopted across social housing as the ‘go-to’ device due to its reliability and ease of use. With three proven, reliable sensors in one unit to ensure accurate Fire and CO detection, the Ei3030 eliminates the need for multiple alarms, simplifying installation and maintenance. Furthermore, the multi-sensor alarm is equipped with additional features, such as Intelligent Dust Compensation, whilst integrated software allows the sensors to work together for the extraction and monitoring of real-time data to allow for proactive safety measures to be taken.

Additionally, if Cheshire West and Chester Council were to make future improvement to their housing portfolio, they would have the ability to easily implement Aico’s HomeLINK Technology to monitor issues such as damp and mould, indoor air quality and compliance. The Connected Home Solution features the Ei1000G Gateway as the hub of the solution, collating data via Aico’s HomeLINK Environmental Sensors and creating actionable insights for landlords to view on the HomeLINK Portal.

Fitted in Ellesmere Port properties, the multi-sensor alarms were installed by the Liberty Group. Their team attended Aico’s Expert Installer Training earlier this year, ensuring they have all the information they need to efficiently install domestic Fire and Carbon Monoxide Alarm Systems for effective protection.

James Fishwick, Electrical Contracts Manager for the Liberty Group has stressed how pleased they are to fit the alarms, “This is such a good alarm and ticks so many boxes in one go. We were keen to start fitting them as soon as our client gave us the new specification. We’re now starting to see them on others around the country as well. It’s a no brainer.

Carl Traynor, Aico Relationship Manager for Merseyside echoes the statement, “As a former electrician and compliance manager myself, I was used to fitting multiple alarms to cover both smoke and CO. I was always particularly cautious around the migration factor, where CO can be produced in one room or even an adjacent property and have devastating consequences on another. This combined unit is ideal to mitigate these risks.

All Aico’s products are manufactured in Shannon, Ireland, and each unit undergoes comprehensive testing to ensure reliability and accuracy. Aico’s 32 Relationship Managers span across the UK and are on hand to offer guidance and support on the implementation of Aico’s home life safety systems.

To learn more about Aico’s innovative Ei3030 Multi-Sensor Alarm, click here.

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