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HomeLINK announced as British Data Awards 2021 double finalist

Written by:
Alex Garmston
Posted On:
13th April 2021

Aico are thrilled to announce that HomeLINK has been named a British Data Awards 2021 double finalist!


The British Data Awards is an annual campaign that aims to uncover data success stories. This year, organisations taking part include FTSE 100 giants, tech unicorns, public sector bodies, newly launched not-for-profit organisations, and everything in between.


HomeLINK are finalists in some of the most competitive categories “PropTech of the Year” and “Data for Good Initiative of the Year” for their work with Wolverhampton Homes.


Luke Loveridge, CEO of HomeLINK commented “The whole team is thrilled that the great work we’ve been doing together with our colleagues and partners in social housing has continued to be recognised with these prestigious awards. With people spending more time at home, the pandemic has especially raised awareness of indoor air quality and fuel poverty issues that we are working to help address. We’re looking forward to the awards ceremony and congratulate all the other finalists!”


The British Data Awards was launched to help discover and celebrate the most passionate data-led organisations, no matter their size. With almost 150 entries from organisations operating on local and national scales, some with far reaching impact, competition to be named a 2021 finalist proved to be particularly tough.


Jason Johnson, Co-Founder of Predatech and British Data Awards judge said: “We set off on a quest to find our finalists back in February, and it’s been quite a journey! Judging the entries has been a challenge due to the number of high-quality entries, but it’s also been a great privilege. It’s reminded us of the sheer talent and ingenuity that makes the UK such a global powerhouse for all things data. All our finalists should be very proud.”


This year’s judges include Neil Carden, COO of Forth Point, Jason Johnson, Co-Founder of Predatech, Mahana Mansfield, Data Science Director at Deliveroo, Tej Parikh, Chief Economist at the Institute of Directors, Harriet Rees, Head of Data Science at Starling Bank and Dr Jo Watts, CEO & Founder of Effini.


The winners of the British Data Awards 2021 will be announced on Tuesday 4th May.


To view the Awards Application, click here.

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