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Swindon Borough Council partner with Aico for Home Life Safety

Written by:
Demi Evans
Posted On:
17th March 2025

Swindon Borough Council’s housing tenants are set to benefit from enhanced safety through a programme, replacing existing fire and carbon monoxide alarms with upgraded Aico devices.

The new 3000 Series alarms will be fitted with sensors that detect heat, smoke and carbon monoxide. The units will replace existing devices with the ability to send notifications to the Council when they need testing, repairing or replacing, using Aico’s Ei1000G Gateway. Tenants will also have the option to receive these alerts via a downloadable resident app.

The four-year, £10.5m upgrade programme, which started in September, has so far seen new devices installed in 1,190 council-owned properties.

Swindon Borough Council is the largest social housing provider in the Borough, owning and managing 10,383 homes including 31 sheltered housing schemes and four supported housing schemes.

Alongside these new alarms, approximately 10% of all the properties benefitting from the works will also receive Aico’s Ei1025 Environmental Sensors, which measure temperature, humidity, and carbon dioxide levels. These will provide the Council with real-time data and alerts, enabling them to take proactive measures to maintain a safe and healthy living spaces.

The four-year upgrade programme is included within the Council’s new asset management strategy, agreed by cabinet members in February. The strategy outlines plan to invest £250m into the maintenance and improvement of Council owned homes between 2025 and 2030, at no cost to services funded through Council Tax.

Councillor Janine Howarth, Swindon Borough Council’s Cabinet Member for Housing, said: “This £10.5m upgrade programme will see fire and carbon monoxide alarms upgraded in all council-owned houses over the next four years.

“The devices will help our Housing team to enhance tenants’ safety and peace of mind, by sending notifications when the alarms need testing, repairing or replacing.

“Meanwhile the Environmental Sensors being installed in a prioritised list of properties will provide alerts to tenants so they can take action to maintain a safe and healthy living space. Our Housing team will also have access to these so we can be proactive in providing support and advice.”

Peter Price-Higgott, Relationship Manager at Aico says: “We’re delighted to collaborate with Swindon Borough Council on their upgrade program. Following a successful project to trial the technology, they have experienced the benefits of using our products to improve wellbeing and enhance resident safety within their homes. We look forward to continuing our support throughout the project and beyond!”

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