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Basic Alarm Wiring for Fire & Carbon Monoxide Alarms

Simple Wiring Diagrams for Mains Powered Fire and Carbon Monoxide Alarms

Wiring diagrams are included in the instructions supplied with all alarms, but here are a few basics.

All mains powered alarms and accessories need a mains supply that is taken from a permanent live feed – for example a lighting circuit.

Mains Powered Smoke & Heat Alarms – Hard-wired Interconnection

All of Aico’s mains powered smoke and heat alarms again require a permanent 230V AC mains supply which can be taken from a local lighting circuit or a dedicated circuit at the distribution board. Standard 2-core and earth 6242Y PVC/PVC cabling can be used for the initial mains feed to one of the alarms in the circuit, with the subsequent connections between the alarms having an additional ‘Interconnect’ connection along with the Live, Neutral and Earth connections. 3-core and earth 6243Y PVC/PVC cabling can be used for interconnect cabling.

If using surface wiring, the trunking pull-out in the easi-fit base can be used.

Once all alarms on the system have been wired, we strongly recommend that you check for the following before connecting the alarms:

  • Check for cable continuity throughout the system
  • Check that the Interconnect cable is NOT connected to Live, Neutral or Earth. Do not use the Earth cable for the Interconnect line

Note: Alarms do not need to be earthed, however the terminal marked with the Earth symbol is provided for the convenience of the installer so that any Earth cable can be safely terminated.

Mains Powered Smoke & Heat Alarms – RadioLINK, RadioLINK+ and SmartLINK wireless interconnection

Whether you are using a RadioLINK+ module (Ei100MRF) or a SmartLINK module (Ei3000MRF) the alarms require a permanent 230V AC mains supply which can be taken from a local lighting circuit closest to the individual alarm, provided a permanent feed is available. Standard 2-core and earth 6242Y PVC/PVC cabling can be used.

The alarms do not require any hard-wired interconnect connection as the interconnection is wireless, using RadioLINK Radio Frequency signals.

Mains Powered Carbon Monoxide Alarms

As with the smoke and heat alarms, Aico mains powered carbon monoxide alarms such as the Ei3018 or Ei261ENRC also require a permanent 230V AC mains supply which can be taken from a local lighting circuit or a dedicated circuit at the distribution board. Standard 2-core and earth 6242Y PVC/PVC cabling can be used for the initial mains feed.

If interconnecting with other alarms or accessories on the system, the Ei262 uses RadioLINK Radio Frequency signals so requires no additional cabling. The Ei3018 and Ei261ENRC use a hard-wired ‘Interconnect’ connection which needs to be taken to the additional alarms in the system, along with the Live, Neutral and Earth connections. 3-core and earth 6243Y PVC/PVC cabling can be used for interconnect cabling.

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