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Careers & Sustainability FAQs

Careers & Sustainability

Do you offer work experience and apprenticeships?


Our wide range of departments at our headquarters in Oswestry, make Aico a perfect place to explore and gain experience in the workplace. We have opportunities in our Marketing, Finance, Operations, IT, Sales, Product Development, and Technical teams. Complete the form here to register your interest for work experience.

We pride ourselves on high levels of employee development and encourage career progression, making Aico a great environment for apprentices to thrive. Aico’s apprenticeship programme runs all year round. When vacancies become available, we are able to offer apprenticeships in a variety of roles such as Operations Executive, Sales Advisor, and Finance Clerk. You can view available apprenticeship roles here.

Does your business offer volunteering opportunities for colleagues?

Yes! Aico colleagues are allowed a set number of days to volunteer their time to causes in the local community. This could be anything from sorting charity donations and preparing food, to indoor painting and transforming outdoor spaces.

We always seek opportunities to support our local community. Do you know a cause that could do with a helping hand? Complete the contact form here.

What measures are in place for colleague health and well-being?

We have three internal and two external colleagues who form Aico’s ‘Mental Health First Aiders’. The group act as the first port of call for any colleagues when mental health support is needed.

Inside our headquarters, we have an indoor gym with machines, weights and cardiovascular equipment, as well as a fitness studio including spin bikes, where classes are frequently delivered by internal colleagues. In the same vicinity is the ‘Relaxation Room’, a small room with soft furnishings, mood lighting and a staff bookshelf, where colleagues can wind down during their free time. Otherwise, the canteen could be considered a more sociable option with a pool table, darts board, table football, TV’s and relaxed seating. Outdoors, within the 4-acre grounds, is a 600m trim trail for outdoor physical activity. The outside space not only provides a habitat for local wildlife but is an area to relax and be enjoyed by our team.

We regularly hold fun events for internal colleagues to break up a work day. Social events are organised frequently to bring colleagues from different departments together, improving relationships outside of the workplace.

What does your company do to support charities and good causes?

Aico’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiative ‘Aico In The Community’, is led by three full time colleagues in Aico’s dedicated Sustainability Department, and supported by seven colleagues that make up the Community Group. The Community Group help to generate ideas for community events, as well as internal social events. 

The Sustainability Programme is founded on five pillars: Marketplace, Community, Environment, Governance, and Workplace. Our culture is made possible by each stakeholder’s contribution. Through a series of company-wide team development days, colleagues have created their mission statement and a set of values that empower them to always be the best they can be.

Colleagues are given a set amount of days per year to dedicate their time to volunteering in the local community. See here to view our latest stats.

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