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Services & Training FAQs

Do you offer training?

We offer a large variety of training programmes to cater for Electrical Contractors, Distributors, and Social Housing Professionals. 

The majority of these programmes are delivered all around the UK, occasionally onboard our state-of-the-art mobile training units. These units bring Aico’s products, technologies and training straight to you and are designed to let you get hands on.

Our most popular training scheme for Electrical Contractors is Expert Installer. This FIA CPD accredited, award-winning programme is free and allows attendees to earn 2 hours of CPD time. Expert Installer is crafted to ensure Electrical Contractors have all the information they need to install domestic fire and carbon monoxide (CO) alarm systems.

Following completion of Expert Installer, individuals are invited to join Aico’s online Installer Community, where they can start discussions, complete challenges and redeem awards. Additionally, they then have exclusive access to register for our City & Guilds assured training – Domestic Fire & CO Alarm Systems. This full-day course is delivered exclusively at our Centre of Excellence in Oswestry by our expert Technical Team. Trainees are provided with in-depth knowledge of domestic fire and CO alarm systems; including but not limited to standards and regulations, system design, fire risk assessment, alarm siting, installation, maintenance and interconnection.

With the success of Expert Installer, came Expert Distributor, a bespoke course made specifically for distributors. This programme gives attendees 30 minutes of FIA CPD time, providing a detailed understanding of industry standards, regulations, and legislation, as well as relevant Aico products and technology. Expert Distributor is free for all Electrical Distributor Association members.

Aico’s HomeLINK Connected Home Solution has the ability to aid landlords in remotely monitoring the compliance, quality and safety of their housing stock. Our Smart Social Homes presentation covers everything you need to know about the use of Internet of Things technology to combat the challenges faced by the social housing sector. This presentation covers regulatory compliance, resident safety, achieving net zero, and identifying disrepair such as damp and mould.

The Healthy Homes presentation builds upon Smart Social Homes, and focuses on addressing the issues related to unhealthy homes and their impact of stakeholders. Topics discussed include identifying key challenges and understanding the consequences for both residents and landlords, causes and recognizable signs of damp and mould within homes, policies and regulations, and how the HomeLINK Connected Home Solution helps in tackling the challenges posed.

To register for any of the above training courses, please contact your local Relationship Manager who will be able to discuss their availability.

How do I sign up for City & Guilds?

To register for our City & Guilds assured Domestic Fire & CO Alarm Systems course, you must have completed our Expert Installer training beforehand. Following completion of Expert Installer, you will be invited to join our online Installer Community, where you can start discussions, complete challenges and redeem awards. Through the Installer Community, you will then have access to register for our City & Guilds assured training. 

This full-day course is delivered exclusively at our Centre of Excellence in Oswestry by our expert Technical Team, where trainees are provided with in-depth knowledge of domestic fire and CO alarm systems; including but not limited to standards and regulations, system design, fire risk assessment, alarm siting, installation, maintenance and interconnection. Lunch will be included in your visit, and we will give you everything you need for the day, including a folder with the course information, notepad, and pen.

Can I book facilities at the Centre of Excellence?

Of course! We’d be more than happy to host you. Our facilities offer the perfect setting for bespoke training sessions, meeting and networking events. You can see a full breakdown of what is available here

To enquire about using our Centre of Excellence, please email or call us on 01691 664100.

I haven't received my training certificate, what do I do?

Your Expert Installer certificate may take up to 24-72 hours to be processed. This will be completed by the Relationship Manager who did the training with you. Upon completion, you will also be sent an invite to our Installer Community, where you can then register for our City & Guilds assured Domestic Fire & CO Alarms Systems course.

If you are looking for your City & Guilds certificate, these are processed by our Technical Team at the end of each month.

If you have any concerns about your Expert Installer certificate, please contact your local Relationship Manager. For questions about your City & Guilds certificate, please email or call us on 01691 664100.

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