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Careers at Aico

Relationship Manager – Merseyside

  • Merseyside
  • Competitive salary
  • Posted January 31, 2025
  • Closing Date February 21, 2025
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The Relationship Manager for Merseyside will cover the following post codes: CW, L, WA

Overview of role

Proactively manage all external sales tasks including specifications in the region. Providing support to each stage of the supply chain, from specification to distribution and installation. Building strong relationships and influencing key people within the supply chain by using all available tools such as face to face meetings, Expert Installer training, Mobile Unit visits, trips to the Centre of Excellence for customer specific days or larger company events.

All meeting notes, specifications and sales opportunities must be recorded on the CRM; which must be kept up to date and accurate. Must be a team player with great communication skills, sharing information with internal and external colleagues.

Personal Situation

You will need to be a resident in the territory and able to work hours dictated by the position. Must have clean (or near clean) driving licence (no disqualifications).

Key Skills / Requirements

• Proven sales track record in a similar industry role developing business with a technical based product in a specification environment.
• Able to demonstrate good knowledge of the territory and of achieving or surpassing sales targets.
• Experience of the domestic fire safety industry is useful but not essential.
• Focused on territory planning, business development, growth and profitability.
• General IT competency, including Microsoft 365 products, particularly Outlook, Excel, Word, and PowerPoint. Plus the ability to learn and use a CRM and reporting system.
• Must be an excellent face-to-face and telephone communicator who can identify contacts and be able to gain appointments using the telephone.
• Must be adept at communicating with customers at all levels in writing and face-to-face, including presenting,.
• Able to understand and analyse business performance reports and must be able to make sound judgements based on their interpretation.
• Experience in managing a geographical territory and reporting regularly to colleagues and management on every aspect of business and customer development.

Key duties include, but are not limited to:

• Promote, sell and support Aico products within the designated geographical territory.
• Achieve specification of Aico products within Local Authority, Housing Association and other specifier projects.
• Visit Local Authorities, Housing Associations, Electrical Contractors, Architects, New Build / Developers, M & E Contractors, Fire & Rescue Services, Distributors and any other potential user of Aico products on a regular basis.
• Organise Centre of Excellence events for Aico customers and take part in national events and product launches.
• Effectively manage the Aico supply chain calling on end clients (social housing providers), installers/contractors and the distribution channels they use.
• Deliver Expert Installer training on Aico products to specifiers and installer to teach compliance with relevant legislation and British Standards.
• Provide first line support for customers by giving technical advice and support on the application of Aico products.
• Provide accurate reports on progress within the territory and compile and maintain precise visit reports and contact records on the company’s CRM.
• Report on market intelligence, including pricing, brochures, leaflets and information on competitors.
• Attend regular regional and national sales meetings and technical training session as requested by the Company.
• Attend annual sales conference and budget meeting to provide sales strategy, customer development, new products and business growth/improvement presentation.
• Attend industry relevant shows and exhibitions

What we’re looking for in you:

• Passion and enthusiasm; able to embrace change and take pride in your work
• Team player with a positive attitude who will support colleagues to achieve our shared vision
• To be open and honest whilst being respectful and genuine with yourself and your colleagues, creating a trusting working environment
• Must take responsibility for own actions, delivering on promises and leading by example at every level of the business
• Be able to work collaboratively, sharing your knowledge whilst being open minded, learning from your mistakes and speaking up when you need help
• Interested in making a difference to the communities we serve, sharing best practice and educating to create a better understanding of fire life safety

To find out more about this role please contact Tony Boyle via e-mail or telephone 07771925699

To apply please send your C.V. and a covering letter to

Interviews will be taking place w/c: 24th February 2025

Apply for this position

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